Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Copy the complete checking account information from the Payoneer system and put it in a notepad.


Copy the address of the checking account and paste it into Google Translate.

Google will automatically detect that the address is in French and the bank is in France.

Enter the Payoneer system and press the "i" icon next to "Total funds in all balances:".

All funds in your account, shown in USD equivalent (based on recent exchange rates)

11. Click "Income", then click "Payment Details". A balance will appear.


10. DailyMotion is in Paris, France, accessing the site. Then, click "Login".


9. Click "Get paid" on the left screen and the Eurozone account you created will appear.


8. The following screen will appear. Review your Eurozone (EUR) status and operations.


7. Click Submit request

Review your request

You are requesting receiving accounts for the countries listed below

Eurozone (EUR)

Before issuing your account details, we may ask you for some information to help us verify your identity and business. We do this to help keep your account secure and running smoothly.

Select all Checkboxes and press "accept".

 Welcome back. Before continuing to your account, please provide the updates listed below.   Some legal terms need your acceptance I agree t...